My Experience
Fun facts about my work

Years of Experience

In Love
With Arabic

in Arabic Language


Arabic Courses

  • The Arabic Courses section serves as a servant of the Arabic language, offering it to its lovers and those wishing to learn it in an easy and smooth modern way, that matches the change and development of human communication methods away from complexity and cost.
  • The curriculum presented on this website is new and innovative, prepared to suit the level of the learner or the one who is interested in Arabic, his age, interests and goals of learning Arabic. Therefore, the applicant for the study answers several questions as a first step, through which his current levels and stages are determined.
  • The student can communicate with the teacher directly in several ways by writing (email), or by video and audio (Zoom calls). There is also the possibility of attending the lesson in person for those who live in the city of Milwaukee.
  • The site includes interim tests that allow the students to verify the understanding of the unit or topic they have studied, and to enhance their information, as well as to repair the gaps found by returning some stage data before moving to a new stage.
  • The site offers a variety of worksheets and recreational activities related to the subject being studied by the students, in proportion to their age stage and level of sensory awareness of the different linguistic symbols, in addition to videos and audio files supported by questions and oral dialogues to achieve their basic learning abilities.
  • The site gives each student the first lesson free of charge after completing the registration stage, and the lessons are scheduled according to the student’s desire to serve the goal that he will determine in advance before starting the study.
  • The site provides a class work schedule that allows parents to follow the progress of work after the end of each lesson. It also gives the students a summary of the lessons they attend and the tasks required.

Start Learning Arabic

My Arabic Letters

Listen to Letters Sounds

Grammar Section

Subject Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns

Spelling Section

Stories & Exercises

Upcoming Activities


My First Book

My Second Book (Coming Soon)

Shapes Story


Eid Al Adha

How I make play dough


Days of the Week


The Very Hungry Caterpillar





Make my own Calendar

Apply Now to Start Learning Arabic

Sessions start at $10/hour

For any other inquiries please get in touch here.