My Experience
Fun facts about my work

Years of Experience

In Love
With Arabic

in Arabic Language


Arabic Proofreading

  • After the spread of social media and the accession of a large number of people from different cultures and societies, the linguistic error spread widely. And since the Arabic language is primarily a language of music and rhythm, dissonance prevailed in various written publications of all kinds.. which made The Arabic language cry for help from the prevalence of error in it, whether it is spelling (violating spelling rules), grammatical (violating grammatical rules), or linguistical (phrasing, style, arrangement, structure of sentences, and choice of vocabulary).
  • For this reason, the specialist in the Arabic language and the knower who navigates in its literature and sciences feels jealousy over it, and grieves every time an error or discord encounters him that disturbs the balance of the language and its origins, and it is the sacred language that must be free of slips.
  • This prompted me to put the Proofreading section on the website, which will present and discuss a number of common mistakes in the language, especially in social networking sites or on the Internet.

Educational Papers

General Corrections

Subtitled Songs Corrections

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